
Calculating Your Offer

This is not a precise science. The number of interested buyers usually determines the amount a house will sell for. There is, however, some detective work you can do before arriving at a figure to offer the seller:

What did other houses in the area sell for?

What is the condition of the house?

How long has the house been on the market?

If it's been available for several weeks, the chances are that the owner has either overpriced the property; there's something wrong with the property; or there's been a lull in the market.

In all cases the seller will be getting anxious and you can negotiate.

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Homeowner Associations

If you are considering a property controlled by a homeowners association, watch out for the following:

1.) Sometimes associations limit what pets owners may have.

2. ) If the association allows pets, it may limit the hours they can be outside.

3.) Parking places may be assigned coupled with an aggressive towing policy.

Some associations maintain pools, tennis courts, elevators, trash collection, snow removal, grounds maintenance, provide bus or limo service, concierge service, and in general make life pleasant and trouble free.

While these are nice benefits, make sure you are comfortable with the costs associated with them

If you have any questions about purchase contracts contact your lender or your title company.  Underwriters at financial
institutions may go over your
purchase agreement and advise
of necessary changes.

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